We offer a full resales service to property owners. If you would like to sell your property then please fill in the form below or get in touch to discuss reselling your property.

How our resale service works:

  • Free listing of your property on our website
  • Low Commission rates and high exposure
  • Wide network of sub-agencies to increase exposure
  • Local offices to handle viewings

3 Simple steps to resell a property

  1.  Valuation. Decide on a sale price. Either request a free, no-obligation, valuation or confirm the price you want returned to you. We can then estimate the total selling price by adding fees and charges on top.
  2. Prepare documents. Once a price is agreed, we require copies of contracts, deeds, purchase contracts, maintenance agreements and pictures of the property.
  3. Live Listing – Your property will be listed through our own websites, country specific websites, UK and International Portals and through our International network of agents.

Submit your resale property or request a valuation
